
Friday, March 14, 2008

First Post

Okay, here it is. The much anticipated first post for the MKTG2032 blog. The post that should have been up about 2 weeks ago but wasn't, mostly because I was unsure of how to write a blog post. Especially one that virtually nobody would be reading except myself.

Choosing a blog topic that I was going to stick with for the entire semester was a scary task. It had to be something that I knew I was interested in and was going to stay interested in for the next 12(?) weeks; something that I was going to be willing and able to write about and share my opinions with.. well basically myself and my lecturer. So after many sleepless nights I finally decided on a topic which I think was the first idea that came into my head when I heard about the proposed assessment.

Basically the blog, once it gets up and running will be about the Indian Premier League. It's going to be updated with recent news, results and fixtures and pretty much anything else to do with the IPL.

That's it. First post down, and it was easier than I thought. All I need is a cool phrase to finish off each post with. Ideas?


Govind Sethunath said...

aww baby girl i need to have some sleepless nights before i come up with ideas...ill post soon though


Nabiha Meher Shaikh said...

You've got to write about more than just the IPL! Blogging is fun. Go ahead express yourself. I know you have more to say! And I want to keep coming back here... probably won't if it's just sports!

Anonymous said...

Ooopppss... I logged on as a google blogger, which I'm not.

AQ said...

yeah definitely once i get more into the whole blogging thing i will probably start writing about more. I basically started it for a marketing course at ANU we are supposed to create and maintain a blog and i chose the topic of cricket :P but it will expand soon enough!!